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Photo: Plan International

Download the GAGE Ethiopia overview

Download brief: Adolescent lives in Ethiopia: what are we learning from longitudinal evidence?


The context: While birth rates are falling in Ethiopia, over half of all Ethiopians are under the age of 20. Poverty rates are also declining but nearly one-quarter of all citizens live below the poverty line. Moreover, Ethiopia is one of five countries accounting for the world’s largest absolute numbers of people living in poverty.

Our research: In Ethiopia, which is located in the Horn of Africa, we are following over 7,000 adolescent girls and boys from rural, urban and pastoralist communities in three regions: Afar, Amhara and Oromia. In addition to the adolescents themselves, our research includes their siblings, caregivers, teachers and other community members.

Education and learning: Ethiopia has made remarkable progress in equitably expanding primary education over the last two decades. Even so, dropout rates remain high, with only about half of young people completing grade 5. Enrolment rates are less than 10% in upper-secondary school, and learning outcomes are extremely low. Differences between girls and boys vary by region and age. While at a national level and across all grade levels girls arenow more likely to be enrolled than boys, in some regions –including Afar and Somali –adolescent girls are effectively excluded from school.

Bodily autonomy, integrity and freedom from violence: Adolescent girls and boys face distinct risks from different forms of violence, due to gender norms. Girls are highly vulnerable to child marriage, with two in five married before the age of 18; to female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM/C), with nearly half undergoing the practice; and to sexual violence, with one-third of married girls aged 15–19 having experienced violence at the hands of their partner. Violence by other perpetrators is common as well. One survey, for example, found that nine out of 10 girls had been physically abused and seven out of 10 had been psychologically abused, most often at the hands of their mothers. Boys tend to experience more violent discipline at home and at school, and are more likely to engage in –and be victimised by –bullying and youth violence.

Health, nutrition, and sexual and reproductive health: Due to the expansion of Ethiopia’s Health Extension Worker programme and a reduction in food insecurity, adolescents have good access to basic preventative care and are generally better nourished than older cohorts. Ethiopian adolescents’ exposure to SRH-related information is mixed. Messaging about contraception and HIV is widespread. The 2016 DHS, for example, found that 61% of adolescent girls between the ages of 15 and 19 (and nearly 74% of adolescent boys) knew that HIV could be prevented by using condoms, and that girls were quite likely to have been exposed to a family planning message on the radio (24%) or at a community event (27%). However, broader SRH education is rare. Social norms that leave sexual topics taboo and stigmatise girls’ sexuality, mean that most younger adolescents have limited information about puberty, that girls approach menarche with shame and fear, and that many girls cannot access contraception due to social barriers.

Psychosocial well-being: Very little is known about adolescents’ psychosocial well-being, though mental health problems appear to affect a considerable number of children and adolescents (between 12% and 25%). Girls who are married or working as domestic workers tend to be socially isolated and especially likely to be depressed and anxious.

Voice and agency: Girls’ access to voice and agency is more limited than that of boys, due to social norms that primarily value them as wives and mothers.Married girls’ voice and agency is particularly limited, given that they tend to be younger than their husbands. As girls’ access to education (and school-basedgirls’ clubs) and employment has improved, they are becoming more active agents in their own lives.

Economic empowerment: We know little about the economic empowerment of adolescents. Younger adolescents are effectively invisible and older adolescents are almost universally considered as part of the larger group called ‘youth’, which includes young adults up until the age of 30. Rates of unemployment for youth and women are high, in large part because despite economic growth the economy cannot keep up with population growth, and most youth and women are confined to the poorly paid and poorly protected informal labour market.

The evidence base: The evidence base on Ethiopian adolescents is considerable – especially regarding education, child marriage, and sexual and reproductive health. However, it is clear from our Evidence Mappings that there is insufficient attention to age differentiation and that there is very uneven geographical coverage,and thus insufficient information on the ways in which Ethiopia’s diverse cultural norms and practices shape adolescent experiences.

Ethiopia Child Research and Policy Forum

The Child Research and Policy Forum (CRPF) seminar, currently funded by GAGE, has been held at the Ministry of Women, Children and Youth since 2010. Read more.

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08.03.24 | Across GAGE capabilities | Journal articles | Ethiopia
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Bodily integrity and freedom from violence
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22.08.22 | Bodily integrity and freedom from violence | Policy briefs | Ethiopia
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Economic empowerment
Bangladesh | Ethiopia
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COVID-19, state (in)visibility and structural violence in low- and middle-income countries
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Health, Nutrition and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH)
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14.07.22 | Health, Nutrition and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) | Journal articles | Ethiopia
Improving Menstrual Health Literacy Through Life-Skills Programming in Rural Ethiopia
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Toolkits and survey instruments
Toolkit on FGM and child marriage
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Toolkit on FGM and child marriage
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Toolkits and survey instruments
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24.06.22 | Toolkits and survey instruments | Ethiopia
Adolescent girls' and women's economic and social empowerment in pastoralist Ethiopia: baseline survey
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'A dream come true'? Adolescents’ perspectives on urban relocation and life in condominiums in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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Journal articles
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Do Gender-Based Pathways Influence Mental Health? Examining the Linkages Between Early Child Marriage, Intimate Partner Violence, and Psychological Well-being among Young Ethiopian Women (18–24 years Old)
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Policy briefs
Adolescent lives in Ethiopia: what are we learning from longitudinal evidence?
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14.03.22 | Across GAGE capabilities | Policy briefs | Ethiopia
Adolescent lives in Ethiopia: what are we learning from longitudinal evidence?
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Journal articles
Rethinking climate change through a gender and adolescent lens in Ethiopia
Education and learning
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22.02.22 | Education and learning | Journal articles | Ethiopia
Rethinking climate change through a gender and adolescent lens in Ethiopia
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Exploring the diversity of FGM/C practices in Ethiopia. Drivers, experiences and opportunities for social norm change
Health, Nutrition and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH)
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18.01.22 | Health, Nutrition and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) | Reports | Ethiopia
Exploring the diversity of FGM/C practices in Ethiopia. Drivers, experiences and opportunities for social norm change
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Journal articles
“Our World Is Shaking Because of Corona”: Intersecting Crises and Disrupted Life Transitions among Young People in Ethiopia and Jordan Pre- and Post-COVID-19
Across GAGE capabilities
Ethiopia | Jordan
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11.01.22 | Across GAGE capabilities | Journal articles | Ethiopia
“Our World Is Shaking Because of Corona”: Intersecting Crises and Disrupted Life Transitions among Young People in Ethiopia and Jordan Pre- and Post-COVID-19
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Policy briefs
The Impact of COVID-19 in Ethiopia: Policy Brief
Across GAGE capabilities
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10.11.21 | Across GAGE capabilities | Policy briefs | Ethiopia
The Impact of COVID-19 in Ethiopia: Policy Brief
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Journal articles
Disrupted education trajectories: Exploring the effects of Covid-19 on adolescent learning and priorities for “building back better” education systems in Ethiopia
Education and learning
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05.11.21 | Education and learning | Journal articles | Ethiopia
Disrupted education trajectories: Exploring the effects of Covid-19 on adolescent learning and priorities for “building back better” education systems in Ethiopia
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Policy briefs
Adolescent psychosocial well-being in Ethiopia: implications for policy and programming from the GAGE midline data
Psychosocial well-being
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08.10.21 | Psychosocial well-being | Policy briefs | Ethiopia
Adolescent psychosocial well-being in Ethiopia: implications for policy and programming from the GAGE midline data
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‘My morale has been broken’: Exploring Ethiopian adolescents’ psychosocial well-being
Psychosocial well-being
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08.10.21 | Psychosocial well-being | Reports | Ethiopia
‘My morale has been broken’: Exploring Ethiopian adolescents’ psychosocial well-being
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Policy briefs
Issue brief: Resilient Generation: supporting young people’s prospects for decent work in the drylands of east and west Africa
Economic empowerment
Ethiopia | Cross-country
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05.10.21 | Economic empowerment | Policy briefs | Ethiopia
Issue brief: Resilient Generation: supporting young people’s prospects for decent work in the drylands of east and west Africa
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Resilient generation: Supporting young people’s prospects for decent work in the drylands of east and west Africa
Economic empowerment
Ethiopia | Cross-country
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05.10.21 | Economic empowerment | Reports | Ethiopia
Resilient generation: Supporting young people’s prospects for decent work in the drylands of east and west Africa
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Journal articles
Absenteeism, Dropout, and On-Time School Completion of Vulnerable Primary School Students in Ethiopia: Exploring the Role of Adolescent Decision-Making Power in the Household, Exposure to Violence, and Paid and Unpaid Work
Education and learning
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21.09.21 | Education and learning | Journal articles | Ethiopia
Absenteeism, Dropout, and On-Time School Completion of Vulnerable Primary School Students in Ethiopia: Exploring the Role of Adolescent Decision-Making Power in the Household, Exposure to Violence, and Paid and Unpaid Work
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Policy briefs
Adolescent economic empowerment in Ethiopia: implications for policy and programming from the GAGE midline data
Economic empowerment
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12.08.21 | Economic empowerment | Policy briefs | Ethiopia
Adolescent economic empowerment in Ethiopia: implications for policy and programming from the GAGE midline data
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Economic empowerment
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12.08.21 | Economic empowerment | Reports | Ethiopia
‘We suffer to survive’: Exploring adolescent opportunities and challenges in securing decent work and the foundations for economic empowerment in Ethiopia
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Journal articles
‘People consider us devils’: exploring patterns of exclusion facing adolescents with disabilities in Ethiopia
Education and learning
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22.07.21 | Education and learning | Journal articles | Ethiopia
‘People consider us devils’: exploring patterns of exclusion facing adolescents with disabilities in Ethiopia
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Journal articles
‘The School Was Closed, So When They Brought Me A Husband I Couldn’t Say No’: Exploring the Gendered Experiences of Child Marriage Amongst Adolescent Girls and Boys in Ethiopia
Bodily integrity and freedom from violence
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17.07.21 | Bodily integrity and freedom from violence | Journal articles | Ethiopia
‘The School Was Closed, So When They Brought Me A Husband I Couldn’t Say No’: Exploring the Gendered Experiences of Child Marriage Amongst Adolescent Girls and Boys in Ethiopia
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Journal articles
Supporting resilience among young people at risk of child abuse in Ethiopia: The role of social system alignment
Bodily integrity and freedom from violence
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22.06.21 | Bodily integrity and freedom from violence | Journal articles | Ethiopia
Supporting resilience among young people at risk of child abuse in Ethiopia: The role of social system alignment
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Adolescent well-being in the time of covid-19
Education and learning
Bangladesh | Ethiopia
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08.06.21 | Education and learning | Reports | Bangladesh
Adolescent well-being in the time of covid-19
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Books and book chapters
Promoting Ethiopian women’s economic rights by addressing the antecedents of gender inequality in adolescence
Economic empowerment
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02.06.21 | Economic empowerment | Books and book chapters | Ethiopia
Promoting Ethiopian women’s economic rights by addressing the antecedents of gender inequality in adolescence
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Child Marriage in Humanitarian Crises: Girls and Parents Speak Out on Risk and Protective Factors, Decision-Making, and Solutions
Bodily integrity and freedom from violence
Bangladesh | Ethiopia
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19.05.21 | Bodily integrity and freedom from violence | Reports | Bangladesh
Child Marriage in Humanitarian Crises: Girls and Parents Speak Out on Risk and Protective Factors, Decision-Making, and Solutions
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Toolkits and survey instruments
Multi-Level Programming Aimed at Gender Norms Transformation to Improve Capabilities of Young Adolescents in Ethiopia: A Cluster Randomized Control Trial
Education and learning
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13.05.21 | Education and learning | Toolkits and survey instruments | Ethiopia
Multi-Level Programming Aimed at Gender Norms Transformation to Improve Capabilities of Young Adolescents in Ethiopia: A Cluster Randomized Control Trial
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Toolkits and survey instruments
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Education and learning
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Journal articles
Betwixt and Between: Adolescent Transitions and Social Policy Lacunae in Ethiopia
Education and learning
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06.05.21 | Education and learning | Journal articles | Ethiopia
Betwixt and Between: Adolescent Transitions and Social Policy Lacunae in Ethiopia
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Transforming gender norms through life-skills programming in rural Ethiopia: short-term impacts and emerging lessons for adaptive programming (Oromia case study)
Education and learning
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20.04.21 | Education and learning | Reports | Ethiopia
Transforming gender norms through life-skills programming in rural Ethiopia: short-term impacts and emerging lessons for adaptive programming (Oromia case study)
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Transforming gender norms through life-skills programming in rural Ethiopia: short-term impacts and emerging lessons for adaptive programming (Amhara case study)
Education and learning
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12.04.21 | Education and learning | Reports | Ethiopia
Transforming gender norms through life-skills programming in rural Ethiopia: short-term impacts and emerging lessons for adaptive programming (Amhara case study)
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‘Some got married, others don’t want to attend school as they are involved in income-generation’: adolescent experiences following covid-19 lockdowns in low- and middle-income countries
Education and learning
Bangladesh | Ethiopia
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08.04.21 | Education and learning | Reports | Bangladesh
‘Some got married, others don’t want to attend school as they are involved in income-generation’: adolescent experiences following covid-19 lockdowns in low- and middle-income countries
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Transforming gender norms through life-skills programming in rural Ethiopia: short-term impacts and emerging lessons for adaptive programming (Afar case study)
Education and learning
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01.04.21 | Education and learning | Reports | Ethiopia
Transforming gender norms through life-skills programming in rural Ethiopia: short-term impacts and emerging lessons for adaptive programming (Afar case study)
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Policy briefs
Exploring changing patterns in adolescents’ access to education and learning in Ethiopia: policy and programming implications from the GAGE midline findings
Education and learning
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31.03.21 | Education and learning | Policy briefs | Ethiopia
Exploring changing patterns in adolescents’ access to education and learning in Ethiopia: policy and programming implications from the GAGE midline findings
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‘My husband can go to work and I will go to my school’: exploring changing patterns in adolescents’ access to education and learning in Ethiopia
Education and learning
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31.03.21 | Education and learning | Reports | Ethiopia
‘My husband can go to work and I will go to my school’: exploring changing patterns in adolescents’ access to education and learning in Ethiopia
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‘The first thing that I fear for my future is lack of rain and drought’: climate change and its impacts on adolescent capabilities in low- and middle-income countries
Education and learning
Bangladesh | Ethiopia
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11.12.20 | Education and learning | Reports | Bangladesh
‘The first thing that I fear for my future is lack of rain and drought’: climate change and its impacts on adolescent capabilities in low- and middle-income countries
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Journal articles
Constrained choices: exploring the complexities of adolescent girls’ voice and agency in child marriage decisions in Ethiopia
Voice and agency
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09.12.20 | Voice and agency | Journal articles | Ethiopia
Constrained choices: exploring the complexities of adolescent girls’ voice and agency in child marriage decisions in Ethiopia
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‘Girls don’t shout if they are raped… that is taboo’: exploring barriers to Ethiopian adolescents’ freedom from age- and gender-based violence
Bodily integrity and freedom from violence
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03.12.20 | Bodily integrity and freedom from violence | Reports | Ethiopia
‘Girls don’t shout if they are raped… that is taboo’: exploring barriers to Ethiopian adolescents’ freedom from age- and gender-based violence
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‘They did not take me to a clinic’: Ethiopian adolescents’ access to health and nutrition information and services
Health, Nutrition and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH)
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20.11.20 | Health, Nutrition and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) | Reports | Ethiopia
‘They did not take me to a clinic’: Ethiopian adolescents’ access to health and nutrition information and services
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Journal articles
Intersecting vulnerabilities: the impacts of COVID‑19 on the psycho‑emotional lives of young people in low‑ and middle‑income countries
Psychosocial well-being
Ethiopia | Lebanon
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10.11.20 | Psychosocial well-being | Journal articles | Ethiopia
Intersecting vulnerabilities: the impacts of COVID‑19 on the psycho‑emotional lives of young people in low‑ and middle‑income countries
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Books and book chapters
Disentangling urban adolescents' vulnerability to age- and gender-based violence through a capability lens in Ethiopia and Rwanda
Bodily integrity and freedom from violence
Ethiopia | Rwanda
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27.10.20 | Bodily integrity and freedom from violence | Books and book chapters | Ethiopia
Disentangling urban adolescents' vulnerability to age- and gender-based violence through a capability lens in Ethiopia and Rwanda
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Books and book chapters
Exploring the role of evolving gender norms in shaping adolescents’ experiences of violence in pastoralist Afar, Ethiopia
Bodily integrity and freedom from violence
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27.10.20 | Bodily integrity and freedom from violence | Books and book chapters | Ethiopia
Exploring the role of evolving gender norms in shaping adolescents’ experiences of violence in pastoralist Afar, Ethiopia
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Books and book chapters
Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme and adolescent wellbeing: evidence from the GAGE study
Psychosocial well-being
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27.10.20 | Psychosocial well-being | Books and book chapters | Ethiopia
Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme and adolescent wellbeing: evidence from the GAGE study
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Journal articles
Leave no adolescent behind: addressing inequities in educational attainment in rural Ethiopia
Education and learning
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11.10.20 | Education and learning | Journal articles | Ethiopia
Leave no adolescent behind: addressing inequities in educational attainment in rural Ethiopia
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Policy briefs
‘Children are future leaders of the country’: Ethiopian adolescents’ access to voice and agency
Voice and agency
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08.10.20 | Voice and agency | Policy briefs | Ethiopia
‘Children are future leaders of the country’: Ethiopian adolescents’ access to voice and agency
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Policy briefs
Adolescents’ experiences of covid-19 and the public health response in urban Ethiopia
Health, Nutrition and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH)
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24.09.20 | Health, Nutrition and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) | Policy briefs | Ethiopia
Adolescents’ experiences of covid-19 and the public health response in urban Ethiopia
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Toolkits and survey instruments
Ethiopia round 2 survey 2019/2020
Education and learning
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23.09.20 | Education and learning | Toolkits and survey instruments | Ethiopia
Ethiopia round 2 survey 2019/2020
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‘I have nothing to feed my family…’: covid-19 risk pathways for adolescent girls in low- and middle-income countries
Economic empowerment
Bangladesh | Ethiopia
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12.08.20 | Economic empowerment | Reports | Bangladesh
‘I have nothing to feed my family…’: covid-19 risk pathways for adolescent girls in low- and middle-income countries
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Policy briefs
Experiences of vulnerable urban youth under covid-19: the case of street-connected youth and young people involved in commercial sex work
Health, Nutrition and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH)
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11.08.20 | Health, Nutrition and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) | Policy briefs | Ethiopia
Experiences of vulnerable urban youth under covid-19: the case of street-connected youth and young people involved in commercial sex work
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Policy briefs
Experiences of vulnerable urban youth under covid-19: the case of youth living with HIV
Health, Nutrition and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH)
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11.08.20 | Health, Nutrition and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) | Policy briefs | Ethiopia
Experiences of vulnerable urban youth under covid-19: the case of youth living with HIV
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Policy briefs
Experiences of vulnerable urban youth under covid-19: the case of domestic workers
Economic empowerment
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11.08.20 | Economic empowerment | Policy briefs | Ethiopia
Experiences of vulnerable urban youth under covid-19: the case of domestic workers
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Policy briefs
Experiences of vulnerable urban youth under covid-19: the case of youth with disabilities
Health, Nutrition and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH)
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11.08.20 | Health, Nutrition and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) | Policy briefs | Ethiopia
Experiences of vulnerable urban youth under covid-19: the case of youth with disabilities
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Policy briefs
Experiences of vulnerable urban youth under covid-19: the case of youth working in factories and industrial parks
Economic empowerment
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11.08.20 | Economic empowerment | Policy briefs | Ethiopia
Experiences of vulnerable urban youth under covid-19: the case of youth working in factories and industrial parks
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Journal articles
Gender-norms, violence and adolescence: exploring how gender norms are associated with experiences of childhood violence among young adolescents in Ethiopia
Bodily integrity and freedom from violence
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11.08.20 | Bodily integrity and freedom from violence | Journal articles | Ethiopia
Gender-norms, violence and adolescence: exploring how gender norms are associated with experiences of childhood violence among young adolescents in Ethiopia
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Policy briefs
Child marriage risks in the context of covid-19 in Ethiopia
Bodily integrity and freedom from violence
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29.07.20 | Bodily integrity and freedom from violence | Policy briefs | Ethiopia
Child marriage risks in the context of covid-19 in Ethiopia
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Journal articles
Intersecting inequalities, gender and adolescent health in Ethiopia
Health, Nutrition and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH)
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17.06.20 | Health, Nutrition and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) | Journal articles | Ethiopia
Intersecting inequalities, gender and adolescent health in Ethiopia
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Toolkits and survey instruments
GAGE Ethiopia: overview
Education and learning
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05.06.20 | Education and learning | Toolkits and survey instruments | Ethiopia
GAGE Ethiopia: overview
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Policy briefs
Exploring adolescents' experiences and priorities in Ethiopia under covid-19
Education and learning
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27.04.20 | Education and learning | Policy briefs | Ethiopia
Exploring adolescents' experiences and priorities in Ethiopia under covid-19
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Toolkits and survey instruments
Ethiopia baseline survey 2017/18
Education and learning
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30.01.20 | Education and learning | Toolkits and survey instruments | Ethiopia
Ethiopia baseline survey 2017/18
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Journal articles
Do restrictive gender attitudes and norms influence physical and mental health during very young adolescence? Evidence from Bangladesh and Ethiopia
Psychosocial well-being
Bangladesh | Ethiopia
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22.11.19 | Psychosocial well-being | Journal articles | Bangladesh
Do restrictive gender attitudes and norms influence physical and mental health during very young adolescence? Evidence from Bangladesh and Ethiopia
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Journal articles
Exploring the role of evolving gender norms in shaping adolescents’ experiences of violence in pastoralist Afar, Ethiopia
Bodily integrity and freedom from violence
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29.10.19 | Bodily integrity and freedom from violence | Journal articles | Ethiopia
Exploring the role of evolving gender norms in shaping adolescents’ experiences of violence in pastoralist Afar, Ethiopia
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Policy briefs
Child marriage, intimate partner violence and mental health among young Ethiopian women
Bodily integrity and freedom from violence
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09.09.19 | Bodily integrity and freedom from violence | Policy briefs | Ethiopia
Child marriage, intimate partner violence and mental health among young Ethiopian women
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Evidence reviews
Raising the visibility of IDPs: a case study of gender- and age-specific vulnerabilities among Ethiopian IDP adolescents
Education and learning
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06.08.19 | Education and learning | Evidence reviews | Ethiopia
Raising the visibility of IDPs: a case study of gender- and age-specific vulnerabilities among Ethiopian IDP adolescents
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Policy briefs
Leave no adolescent behind: the gender- and age-specific vulnerabilities of adolescent refugees and IDPs
Education and learning
Ethiopia | Rwanda
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02.06.19 | Education and learning | Policy briefs | Ethiopia
Leave no adolescent behind: the gender- and age-specific vulnerabilities of adolescent refugees and IDPs
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Adolescent psychosocial well-being and voice and agency in Ethiopia
Voice and agency
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21.05.19 | Voice and agency | Reports | Ethiopia
Adolescent psychosocial well-being and voice and agency in Ethiopia
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Policy briefs
Gender and regional inequalities in adolescent bodily integrity and freedom from violence in Ethiopia
Bodily integrity and freedom from violence
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21.05.19 | Bodily integrity and freedom from violence | Policy briefs | Ethiopia
Gender and regional inequalities in adolescent bodily integrity and freedom from violence in Ethiopia
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Adolescent well-being in Ethiopia: exploring gendered capabilities, contexts and change strategies
Education and learning
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21.05.19 | Education and learning | Reports | Ethiopia
Adolescent well-being in Ethiopia: exploring gendered capabilities, contexts and change strategies
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Policy briefs
Gender and regional inequalities in adolescent psychosocial well-being and voice and agency
Voice and agency
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21.05.19 | Voice and agency | Policy briefs | Ethiopia
Gender and regional inequalities in adolescent psychosocial well-being and voice and agency
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Adolescent health, nutrition and sexual and reproductive health in Ethiopia
Health, Nutrition and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH)
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20.05.19 | Health, Nutrition and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) | Reports | Ethiopia
Adolescent health, nutrition and sexual and reproductive health in Ethiopia
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Policy briefs
Gender and regional inequalities in adolescent health and nutrition in Ethiopia
Health, Nutrition and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH)
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20.05.19 | Health, Nutrition and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) | Policy briefs | Ethiopia
Gender and regional inequalities in adolescent health and nutrition in Ethiopia
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Adolescent education and learning in Ethiopia
Education and learning
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20.05.19 | Education and learning | Reports | Ethiopia
Adolescent education and learning in Ethiopia
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Adolescent economic empowerment in Ethiopia
Economic empowerment
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20.05.19 | Economic empowerment | Reports | Ethiopia
Adolescent economic empowerment in Ethiopia
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Adolescent bodily integrity and freedom from violence in Ethiopia
Bodily integrity and freedom from violence
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20.05.19 | Bodily integrity and freedom from violence | Reports | Ethiopia
Adolescent bodily integrity and freedom from violence in Ethiopia
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Policy briefs
Gender and regional inequalities in adolescent education and learning in Ethiopia
Education and learning
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20.05.19 | Education and learning | Policy briefs | Ethiopia
Gender and regional inequalities in adolescent education and learning in Ethiopia
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Policy briefs
Gender and regional inequalities in adolescent economic empowerment
Economic empowerment
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19.05.19 | Economic empowerment | Policy briefs | Ethiopia
Gender and regional inequalities in adolescent economic empowerment
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Policy briefs
Leave no one behind: an agenda for action to enhance the full capabilities of adolescents with disabilities in Ethiopia
Education and learning
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21.03.19 | Education and learning | Policy briefs | Ethiopia
Leave no one behind: an agenda for action to enhance the full capabilities of adolescents with disabilities in Ethiopia
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Journal articles
Adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Ethiopia and Rwanda: a qualitative exploration of the role of social norms
Health, Nutrition and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH)
Ethiopia | Rwanda
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11.03.19 | Health, Nutrition and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) | Journal articles | Ethiopia
Adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Ethiopia and Rwanda: a qualitative exploration of the role of social norms
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Policy briefs
Policy and legal analysis notes: a review of the Strategic Plan for a Multisectoral Response to Violence Against Women and Children in Ethiopia
Education and learning
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10.12.18 | Education and learning | Policy briefs | Ethiopia
Policy and legal analysis notes: a review of the Strategic Plan for a Multisectoral Response to Violence Against Women and Children in Ethiopia
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Policy briefs
Adolescents with disabilities: enhancing resilience and delivering inclusive development
Education and learning
Bangladesh | Ethiopia
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24.07.18 | Education and learning | Policy briefs | Bangladesh
Adolescents with disabilities: enhancing resilience and delivering inclusive development
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Evidence reviews
Adolescent girls' capabilities in Ethiopia: a synopsis of the evidence
Education and learning
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20.12.17 | Education and learning | Evidence reviews | Ethiopia
Adolescent girls' capabilities in Ethiopia: a synopsis of the evidence
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Evidence reviews
Adolescent girls' capabilities in Ethiopia: the state of the evidence on programme effectiveness
Education and learning
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20.12.17 | Education and learning | Evidence reviews | Ethiopia
Adolescent girls' capabilities in Ethiopia: the state of the evidence on programme effectiveness
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Evidence reviews
Adolescent girls' capabilities in Ethiopia: the state of the evidence
Education and learning
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20.12.17 | Education and learning | Evidence reviews | Ethiopia
Adolescent girls' capabilities in Ethiopia: the state of the evidence
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Exploring Ethiopian adolescents' gendered experiences and perspectives
Education and learning
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10.10.17 | Education and learning | Reports | Ethiopia
Exploring Ethiopian adolescents' gendered experiences and perspectives
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