We are delighted to launch the GAGE Gender and Adolescence Research Panorama which aims to provide quarterly updates on newly published research products in the field of gender and adolescence, forthcoming events and conferences, as well as calls for papers to contribute to journal special issues and other publications. We pay particular attention to the experiences and perspectives of vulnerable adolescents, and in this issue there is a strong focus on adolescents in humanitarian settings and adolescents at risk of HIV.
We hope you will find this a useful resource and will check in each quarter to get updates on the latest thinking and discussions on gender and adolescence, and what works to enhance their wellbeing and support healthy and empowered transitions into early adulthood.
Please send us details of upcoming events, publications or calls for papers which you would like featured in subsequent editions of the digest to m.devonald.gage@odi.org.uk.
Read it here: GAGE Gender and Adolescence Research Panorama