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Feminist Network for Gender Transformative Education (FemNet4GTE) conference in Johannesburg, South Africa

15 Oct - 17 Oct
21:29-21:29 (GMT)
Johannesburg, South Africa

From 15-17 October 2024, GAGE attended the Feminist Network for Gender Transformative Education (FemNet4GTE) conference in Johannesburg, South Africa co-hosted by UNGEI, UNICEF and the Department of Basic Education of the Republic of South Africa. Alongside Girls First Fund, Fos Feminista, the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development Germany (BMZ), Echidna Giving and Protsahan, GAGE co-designed the Resourcing Session, exploring how to fund a gender-transformative education agenda where all learners, regardless of gender or sex, are supported with GTE to realize their full potential and contribute to achieving an equal and just society by removing barriers to women’s and girls’ rights. Silvia Guglielmi presented evidence on Investment in Adolescent Girls (and here) and will continue to work with the Network to advance concrete actions in 2025.