ActionAid UK and ODI/GAGE are inviting you the launch event of their research:
ActionAid UK’s new report Building Power Together: A Girl-Led Research Project
ODI / GAGE’s Covid-19 Research Series
Wednesday 22nd June 2022
ActionAid UK and ODI/GAGE are delighted to co-convene this discussion and look forward to welcoming you to this in-person event in Parliament centred around the voices of women and girls from the global South through the ‘Building Power Together; a girl-led Research project’ and GAGE Covid-19 research series. The event will feature a short presentation of the research findings, followed by interventions from a range of speakers in response.
- Katy Chadwick, Senior Girls’ Rights Technical Specialist, and Pranita Choudhry, Senior Policy and Research Specialist, ActionAid UK
- Nicola Jones, Director of GAGE Programme and Principal Research Fellow ODI
- Preet Gill MP, Shadow International Development Minister
- Pooja Singh, Youth Engagement Officer, Adolescent Girls Investment Plan
- Ejin Tan, Feminist Activist
The event will take place from 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm in the IPU Room, off Westminster Hall and include:
- Presentation of ‘Building Power Together; a Girl-led Research Project’ by AAUK (10 mins)
- GAGE cross country research findings from Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Jordan focussing on the ‘education’, ‘freedom from violence and bodily integrity’ and ‘voice & agency’ domains (10 mins)
- Panel discussion and reflections (40 mins)
- Q&A and wrap-up (30 mins)
Building Power Together; a Girl-led Research Project was led by girls in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Indonesia to explore the realities of the pandemic for adolescent girls and their communities. It examines the different intersecting aspects of adolescent girls lives and experience, across five specific areas: freedom from violence, health and wellbeing, education and life skills, economic rights and girls’ decision making. The research also includes a power analysis, which outlines types of positive and negative power that influence girls’ lives across public and private spaces.
Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE) is a nine-year (2015-2024) mixed methods longitudinal research and evaluation study following the lives of 20,000 adolescents in six low- and middle-income countries in Africa (Ethiopia and Rwanda), Asia (Bangladesh and Nepal) and the Middle East (Jordan and Lebanon), funded by the Research and Evaluation Division of the FCDO. During the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, GAGE was able to leverage its longitudinal sample and quickly launch mixed-methods research to investigate the implications of the pandemic on adolescent lives.
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