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Adolescent experiences of covid-19

Young adolescent girl herding cattle in Amhara, Ethiopia. Photo: Nathalie Bertrams/GAGE


COVID-19 Publications

Girls room in Oromia, Ethiopia © Nathalie Bertrams/GAGE 2024

Understanding associations between the COVID-19 pandemic and menstrual hygiene management among adol...

This study explores the COVID-19 pandemic and menstrual hygiene management among adolescent girls in Ethiopia.
10th May 2024
2024-05-10 06:01:26

Group of friends in East Hararghe, Ethiopia © Nathalie Bertrams/GAGE 2024

'They told us not to be afraid and that our country continues': Evidence from GAGE Round 3 about the...

This report builds on previous research and synthesises findings from GAGE's Round 3 data collection in Ethiopia, to explore patterns in Ethiopian young people’s psychosocial well-being.
8th March 2024
2024-03-08 13:35:07

14-year-old Jordanian, in school © Marcel Saleh/GAGE 2024

Adolescent social outcomes declined during COVID-19: evidence From Bangladesh, Jordan, And Ethiopia

This study explored changes in adolescent outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly among vulnerable adolescents, focusing on education, economic participation, early marriage, self-reported health, and food security.
7th February 2024
2024-02-07 06:46:58

COVID-19 Multimedia

Refugee Week 2021 © Ottavia Pasta/GAGE

Refugee Week 2021 © Ottavia Pasta/GAGE

Refugee Week 2021

Refugee Week 2021 © Ottavia Pasta/GAGE Refugee Week 2021 © Ottavia Pasta/GAGE…
6th July 2021
2021-07-06 10:00:52

Adolescent experiences in the covid-19 pandemic: GAGE data in the SDG context

Adolescent experiences in the covid-19 pandemic: GAGE data in the SDG context © Ottavia Pasta/GAGE…
6th July 2021
2021-07-06 08:22:00

© DFID/Anna Dubuis

COVID-19’s impact on Rohingya and Bangladeshi adolescents in Cox’s Bazar

Rohingya refugees and Bangladeshi adolescents report being impoverished due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with girls experiencing the impact more intensely.
Sarah Baird, Mohammed Masudur Rahman, Jennifer Seager
21st December 2020
2020-12-21 12:09:57

COVID-19 Events

Girls Leading the Way post Covid-19: re-igniting progress towards SDG 5

ActionAid UK and ODI/GAGE are inviting you the launch event of…
30th May 2022
2022-05-30 12:27:26

Webinar on Adolescent Experiences in Chittagong and Sylhet: the support programme and COVID-19 impac...

Adolescents, who make up more than one-fifth of the total population in Bangladesh, are facing specific risks related to the…
20th May 2021
2021-05-20 09:56:12
Adolescent girl at a recycling plant in Dhaka. Photo: Nathalie Bertrams/GAGE

Adolescent girl at a recycling plant in Dhaka. Photo: Nathalie Bertrams/GAGE

Social protection in the context of forced displacement: programming promoting young people’s resili...

The important role of social protection programming (especially cash/in-kind transfers and cash or food for work) in responding to humanitarian…
26th April 2021
2021-04-26 11:50:51

COVID-19 Posts

Adolescent girls at the centre

Generation Equality Action Coalition priorities for adolescent girls in the context of the covid-19 pandemic.
Adolescent Girls Investment Plan (AGIP)
18th January 2021
2021-01-18 23:34:57

Gender in the Economy Study Group: small grants

The shadow pandemic: COVID-19 and violence against adolescent girls in LMICs
GAGE consortium
15th July 2020
2020-07-15 02:19:54